Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Mate", an Argentine Ritual

Nothing captures the essence of the Argentine culture more than the preparation and consumption of mate. Mate is an elaborate ritual that you see transpiring on the streets, in the boutiques, behind the newsstand, in the bus terminal, at the neighborhood park, on the bus, at the arts and crafts shows, and basically anywhere where one can take a thermos(for hot water), mate(gourd), yerba(the tea) and a bombilla(the straw with a filter). Leather bags are made just for the transportation of the "mate".

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There is an informal etiquette for preparing and drinking Mate. The cebador(server) fills the gourd(mate) almost to the top with the yerba(tea), then pours very hot water into the gourd(mate). It is then passed along to the group, being friends, family or coworkers. Sharing is key. Each participant drinks the gourd dry and then hands it back to the cebador, who then gives to the next person in a clockwise direction. The bombilla is the "silver straw like" thing that has a built in filter.

I was fascinated by the whole cultural thing taking pictures whenever I could with out being rude. I did some reading about it but really enjoyed seeing it transpire around us where ever we traveled.

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Check out my "Mate Moments" Slide Show:

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